PAA 2021 DEADLINES: Don’t Forget to Submit An Extended Abstract and Consider Applying to be a Chair or Discussant!
Posted: 9/15/2020 (Demography News)
The deadline for submissions for the Population Association of America’s Annual Conference (May 5-8 in St. Louis, MO) is rapidly approaching on September 25! Online submissions will be made through the MiraSmart software submission system. Please use this link (Authors are asked to submit both: a) a short abstract (150 words); and b) either an extended abstract (2-4 pages, including tables) or a completed paper. You may modify your submissions at any time until September 25, 2020. You can find the program here.
Also, if you’re interested in being a chair or discussant for #PAA2021? Fill out this form by Sept. 25. This volunteer list will be given to session organizers who will contact the appropriate chair or discussant for their sessions as necessary.